Saturday, March 29, 2008

Katie's Dressings Come Off!

The urology doctor just came by and took the dressing off of Katie's belly. It looks great. All of the stitches are internal and will dissolve on their own. There are steri-strips covering the incision on the outside. Perhaps, if Katie's feeling brave (and we can get one that isn't indecent), we'll post a picture later.


Unknown said...

Hey! We just had our children's concert - thought of you - wondering which option you would choose - costume wise. Gaines - Kathi Titus's guide dog puppy was onstage for the Cris numbers - and for the Shoes number - Lucille - since Lucille was also about a fog. Gaines was so relaxed in front of 2000 people - that her rolled over and went to sleep onstage. We also got to whistle the choruses of the SMC number - "Teddy Bear's Holiday", so we also got to wear bear ears - pretty oool. Glad to read all the lovely reports... know that our thoughts are with you 3. Cassidy

Unknown said...

Hey guys! Very exciting - steristrips are wonderful until you turn out to be allergic to them, but if you're not already, you should be ok. :-D It was great to see you and you are all more entertaining than you think, so quit apologizing! :-)
