Monday, March 31, 2008

Running Laps Around the Hospital!

We just got back from our adventure to the Transplant Center. Soon, Katie's name will be added to the big wall (we're guessing it will show up once there are enough names to cover a tile). They gave us (FREE!) bumper stickers and pins and bracelets (oh, and peppermint lifesavers...Katie got 2 because she looked so good after giving a kidney only 4 days ago).

Then we went by the 24 hour (but no open on Sundays) mini mart and got some ice cream. I got another incredible hot fudge sundae and Katie got a single scoop (which is only 85 cents less than the sundae...I say, bring on the toppings!) and Paula was boring with a diet Dr. Pepper.

We also stopped by the gift shop, where Katie and I each bought cute lanyard things to hold our school IDs. They have brightly colored beads and fimo beads with (10) children's faces -- maybe now I'll actually wear my ID.

Tonight I think Katie and I are going to dinner with Reid and Amy, and Paula will enjoy one last dinner in the hospital.


Anonymous said...

You guys look amazing! Congratulations!!!!! I wish you a Bon voyage home!!!!

Emily Locke said...

You both are looking so good! It's good to hear that you'll all be headed home shortly. Wish we could be there to welcome you home.