Thursday, March 27, 2008

Surgery Update #3: Katie's in Recovery!

Katie is officially out of surgery and has been moved to recovery. Dr. Moon said that the surgery went well (no excessive bleeding or any complications). I won't be able to see her for another hour or maybe a little bit longer (he said the anesthesiologist decides that), but it's very good to know that she's out of surgery.

By the time I made all of the requisite calls and went to the bathroom, they received an update on Paula too. They're already finishing up on putting in her NEW kidney! It sounds as if soon I will receive a call from her surgeon, when she's off to recovery.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hooray - great news! This blog is great, Sarah (and Katie and Paula) -- I think you should write full-time. :) So glad it's all going so well. Ginny