Monday, March 24, 2008

Monday in Madison

Hey, there!

We made it safely to Madison yesterday. The flights were on the uneventful side. In Minneapolis, we stopped for a little lunch at a place called Ike's which harked back to the "50s (they even provided a cracker basket with Paula's soup!). Katie's roast beef sandwich was great. Paula's "minestrone" was another matter. It was a greyish color and the consistency of wallpaper paste with some UFOs in it (unidentifiable floating objects); we think the orange ones were carrots and there were pieces of either chicken or turkey and maybe some barley. But the other brown flakey things--we have no idea. When the server came back, she asked if the soup was OK and we said we were used to minestrone with more broth. She admitted, "oh, that's not minestrone!" and brought a new bowl with soup more closely resembling what we expected.

When we arrived in Madison, it was snowing, bringing their annual total for this season to over 100 inches, a new record by over 25 inches and more than double their annual average. We had a lovely dinner with Polly, Katie's roommate from Lawrence.

Today we reported to the hospital at 7:30 and spent the morning with nurses, pharmacists, social workers, doctors, blood drawers, xray techs, EKG techs and the admissions folks. It did go very smoothly and we were able to accomplish quite a bit in a small amount of time. We go back this afternoon for one more doctor for Katie, and then we're done until tomorrow when Paula gets to do the Grand Circle Tour. Of course, we both go back on Wednesday for good measure.

Love, Katie and Paula


Anonymous said...

It's a good thing then, isn't it, that you had some yummies at Micaela's before you left. We love you and are praying for you. Micaela keeps asking where her Auntie Paula, Auntie Katie and Auntie Sarah are and when you're coming for supper again. We tell her soon, but not soon enough. Ta for now, We3

Sarah said...

I'm glad you two survived the Monday marathon. Tomorrow I get all of my lessons for Wednesday through Friday layed out and do one last IEP meeting after school before I'm off.

I'm all packed and even have a new camera bag so that I can bring my camcorder, just in case!

I'm hoping for a relatively uneventful red-eye flight. See you Wednesday!

Anonymous said...

Hi Katie, Paula and Sarah! Ginny here. Just wanted you to know that we sang "Sister" for you last night at rehearsal. Rhonda dedicated the song to you three. Cris W. was there and she was, as always, a delight. Next week we'll have the "all-girl" band! The first sopranos miss you all very much and send many hugs and good wishes. Warmly, Ginny